No Empathy
There's no empathy in selling cuz we don't know any better. Here's a lesson in becoming more attractive... for the right reasons. hashtag#undosalestraining Following their rules is what makes us unattractive. Why is the sales profession so universally disliked?
Dinner at the firehouse
Twenty years ago, when I was a sales rep, my #1 stress was my sales manager. I hated everything I had to do for him. I especially hated our weekly team meetings. We’d start the week off by getting interrogated about our pipelines, our forecasts, our activity, and our...
Taking off the armor
I got to know Michael recently. He served in the U.S. Army from 2004 to 2014; the last two years supporting a 12-man Special Forces team and multiple tours in Iraq. Michael just turned 30, sharp looking, soft-spoken, and as articulate as anyone I’ve ever heard. He...
Teamwork, Love, Storytelling
BEN ZOLDAN INTERVIEWED by Symposium Marketing We sat down with Jackson Melnick of Symposium Marketing, to discuss the Storyleaders work and vision. What emerged was a conversation full of unforgettable stories dealing with fundamental human issues. JM: What are some...